Christie Reads, Withdraws

And then there were four. (And Asa Hutchinson.) Sometimes, in order to break through someone's stubbornness, you have to show you understand where they're coming from. On Tuesday, Presidential Politics For America did just that with Chris Christie. In "Yes, Chris Christie Should Drop Out. Here’s Why He’s Not," I showed the data that suggested he… Continue reading Christie Reads, Withdraws

Yes, Chris Christie Should Drop Out. Here’s Why He’s Not.

After a dearth of New Hampshire polling, two Granite State polls just came out within hours of each other. With the important New Hampshire Primary now less than two weeks away, we can expect a lot more, but that still leaves us 14 daily freakouts any time we get new info out of the state.… Continue reading Yes, Chris Christie Should Drop Out. Here’s Why He’s Not.

The Three Most Interesting Republican Candidates: #2–Chris Christie

To read about the third most interesting Republican candidate, author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, click here. Today we move away from Ramaswamy to the other end of the pro- to anti-Trump spectrum. In fact, today's candidate is someone who's traveled that spectrum himself. #2. Chris Christie This is not the first time Presidential Politics For… Continue reading The Three Most Interesting Republican Candidates: #2–Chris Christie